2019-2020 Section Officer Information
Have you been really involved in the Order and your Lodge? Are you looking for a different experience that can keep you involved, yet offer
Have you been really involved in the Order and your Lodge? Are you looking for a different experience that can keep you involved, yet offer
Registration for the 2019 Section C-1B Conclave has opened! Check out https://central.oa-bsa.org/c1b/conclave/ for more information and registration.
Our January COC is approaching quickly! Leadership from all the lodges in the section will come together to begin planning for our annual Conclave. The
Congratulations to our recently elected Section officers! From left to right, Vice-Chief Ben Haas from Otyakwa, Chief Will Smith from Kon Wapos, and Secretary Mike
National Leadership Seminar (NLS) is the hallmark training event in the Order of the Arrow. It’s aim is to prepare current and future youth and
If you haven’t registered for Section Conclave yet, be sure to do so! We are getting very excited to put on a fantastic event for all