2019-2020 Section Officer Information

Have you been really involved in the Order and your Lodge? Are you looking for a different experience that can keep you involved, yet offer new challenges? If so, then you should consider becoming a Section Officer!

Officer Responsibilities:

Chief: Presides over meetings of the Council of Chiefs. The chief provides leadership and motivation at all functions and represents the Section at Area, Regional, and National functions. Partners with Lodge Chiefs to coach and build relationships among the Lodge Chiefs.

Vice Chief: Fills in for the Chief as needed, ensures the Section Conclave is promoted in each of the Lodges, and chairs the Lodge Assistance Program. Supports the Lodges through attendance at Winter Fellowships, Lodge Leadership Development, or other programs as needed.

Secretary: Takes minutes for all meetings and keeps up-to-date roster of the Council of Chiefs. Supports the Lodges through attendance at Winter Fellowships, Lodge Leadership Development, or other programs as needed.

Officer Candidate Requirements – in order to run for Section Officer, candidate must:

  • Be under the age of 21 for the entire term of office (Sept 14, 2019 – Sept 12, 2020)
  • Be a registered member of the BSA in good standing in a Lodge and Council within the Section boundaries.
  • Obtain in advance a written letter of approval from your Scout Executive. All interested candidates must turn this letter (or email) in to the Section Adviser, Shawn Keifenheim, by noon Saturday, Sept 14
  • Section Officers must attend four meetings each year. Necessary transportation and housing may be provided. The meetings are:
    • Section Officer Training Seminar (November 14-17, 2019)
    • Winter Council of Chiefs Meeting (January 24 – 26 2020)
    • Spring Council of Chiefs Meeting (April TBD, 2020)
    • 2019 Section C-1B Conclave (September 11-13, 2020)

Candidates for any of the Section Officer positions must commit to attend all of these meetings if they are elected. In addition, the Chief needs to represent the Section at the National Planning Meeting held December 27-30, 2019.

Registration information for conclave can be found here.